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Bryan Carr


Marketing, Sales



Home City:


Date of Passing:


The following “eulogy “ has been received from Justin Horan
Bryan was a JCT on the 1965 Intake. After working in Qantas HDQ QF for a few years, he was sent to Wollongong as one of 2 Sales Reps Sth NSW reporting to Barry Burnheim Mgr Sth NSW (Justin Horan was the other Rep..)
Bryan was a sharp with an eye for detail and presented very professionally. He had a clever wit and was always fun to be with. After leaving Qantas about mid 70's he became a partner in Bong Bong Trv, Bowral and 2/3 yrs later returned to Wollongong as a partner in another Agency ..... Co owned with Barry Lee also ex Qantas (deceased).
These were the Qantas 70's and some say 'the best of "the good old days" ', the weeks were filled with Qantas, Ansett, TAA, Wholesalers functions and presentations. Most Airlines woo'ed the many Travel Agts in our Area and always included the QF team. There was lots of eating and drinking and the occasional Snaps, courtesy of SAS and similar.
The good times court up with my old pal Bryan, but I recall wonderful days spreading the Qantas message. . I will miss my old friend & raise my hat.

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